Dementia and Dysphagia: Understanding the Challenges and Finding Solutions

Shen Yiru 0 Comments

Dementia, a group of conditions affecting memory, thinking, and behaviour, can also impact a person's ability to swallow safely, a condition known as dysphagia. This can make mealtimes challenging and frustrating for both the person with dementia and their caregiver. Dementia affects the brain, including areas responsible for coordinating muscle movements involved in swallowing....
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Dining Out with Dysphagia

Shen Yiru 0 Comments

Eating out is a social experience we all cherish. But for those with dysphagia, swallowing difficulties can make restaurant visits daunting. With a little planning and communication, you can still enjoy a delicious and safe dining experience with your family. Here are some tips to navigate eating out with dysphagia: Communication is Key: Call...
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Can Dysphagia be Treated or Cured?

Shen Yiru 0 Comments

Dysphagia, difficulty swallowing, can be a frustrating and sometimes scary experience. It disrupts a basic human function, leading to concerns about eating, drinking, and even getting enough nutrients. But the question remains: can dysphagia be cured, and if not, what can we do about it?
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Understanding Aspiration Pneumonia and Dysphagia

Shen Yiru 0 Comments

Swallowing might seem like a simple reflex, but it requires 50 muscles to complete one swallow. When this process gets disrupted, it can lead to a domino effect of health problems. Two conditions often linked in this way are aspiration pneumonia and dysphagia.
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Let's Talk Dysphagia - Soft Meals to the Rescue

Shen Yiru 0 Comments

What are soft meals, you ask? Well, they're exactly what they sound like – meals that are easy on the swallow. We're talking smooth textures, no tough bits to get stuck, and plenty of deliciousness packed in. 
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